The 820M audiometer is the The 820M is the professional tool for excellence in air and bone conduction. Delivered with a patient response button, a B71W ossivibrator with headband and a choice of headphones: Radioear DD65V2 or Radioear DD45 with Peltor shell
- Export to XML format
- Interfaces with most occupational health software.
- GDT protocol compatible
- Creation of databases with the possibility of merging and synchronization
- Help in the interpretation of audiograms,
- Calculation of hearing loss,
- Determines audibility thresholds according to the "Hughson-Westlake" method
Integration of a personalized logo and the practitioner's signature in the test report
Device designed and manufactured in France
3 years warranty *
software TRANSLATED TO :
English, German, Italian, French
Technical information
AUDIOMETER 820M in Air and Bone Conduction
Connect to any PC with a USB port (notebook, laptop or desktop)
A software easy to use by a health professional:
- Interactive and intuitive
- Delivered without license: can be installed on an unlimited number of PCs
- Custom test programming
- Creation of patient files, saving, printing, exporting test results
- Recording of all traceability elements related to the test and the audiometer on the Patient file
- Creation of databases, merging, synchronization or replacement of databases
- Data exchange with most medical software in XML format
- Help in interpreting audiograms
- Function: Advanced screening and monitoring - air conduction (AC) and bone conduction (BC)
- Output: AC - Radioear DD45, DD65V2, Sennheiser HDA 300 headphones, on 2 x 6.35mm mono jacks
- CO - B71W with headband, on 3.5 mm mono jack
- AC frequency range (11 values) 125, 250, 500, 750, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000, 4000, 6000, 8000 Hz
- AC output level -10 to 100 HLdB (in 5 dB steps)
- Frequency range CO (11 values) 125, 250, 500, 750, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000, 4000, 6000, 8000 Hz
- Output level CO -10 to 60 HLdB (in 5 dB steps)
- Stimulations Continuous sound, pulsed sound_left, right and binaural
- Manual / Automatic / Normal and Hughson Westlake CA tests / Standard, random and custom scenarios
- Manual / Automatic / Normal and Hughson Westlake CO tests / Standard, random and custom scenarios
- Masking Narrowband noise
- IPA - PAM hearing loss calculation + 3 calculations to create: all customizable
Audiometric box delivered, in a case, with :
- Choice of helmets: Radioear DD45 or DD65V2 or DD45 with Peltor shells
- Patient response button (6.35 mm jack)
- Ossivibrator B71W with headrest
- USB cable
- Power supply USB connection (mini USB)
- USB key supporting the software and the user manual
- Weight - Dimensions 1.5 Kg including all accessories - 350x300x100 mm
Minimum PC configuration :
- 1 USB port, RAM: 1 GB, CPU: 1 GHz, Free hard disk space: 50 MB,
- Graphics resolution: 1024×600
- Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
Standards and certifications :
- Audiometric standard EN 60645-1
- Medical CE marking CE0459 (G-MED) - Class IIa
- Isolated USB connection for electrical safety (according to EN 60601-1)